
One Day In July LLC is an SEC-registered investment advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. One Day In July LLC does not guarantee actual returns or losses. The graphs and content of this website are for educational purposes only. They are not investment advice or an offer to buy or sell any security over the Internet. Individual circumstances may vary.

One Day in July LLC offers advisory services for individuals residing in the United States. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico.

Investing strategies, such as asset allocation, diversification, or rebalancing, do not assure or guarantee better performance and cannot eliminate the risk of investment losses. There are no guarantees that a portfolio employing these or any other strategy will outperform a portfolio that does not engage in such strategies. ODIJ generally recommends exposure to United States Treasury bonds to provide downside risk protection in a portfolio. Historically, United States Treasury bonds have generally moved inversely with equities, although there have been exceptions. There is no guarantee that Treasury bonds will be uncorrelated with equities in the future.

One Day In July LLC does not provide legal or tax advice. Each client should always consult his/her personal tax and/or legal advisor for information concerning his/her individual situation and to learn about any potential tax or other implications that may result from acting on a particular recommendation.

We are fiduciaries under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and when we provide investment advice to you regarding your retirement plan account or individual retirement account, we are also fiduciaries within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and/or the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable, which are laws governing retirement accounts. We have to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours.

ODIJ generally limits its investment advice to passively-managed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), mutual funds, fixed income securities, equity securities, real estate funds (including REITs), treasury inflation protected/inflation linked bonds, commodities or non-U.S. securities. ODIJ primarily recommends a blend of index funds across asset classes to a majority of its clients, but may use other securities as well to help diversify a portfolio when applicable.

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Investing with Low Cost Index Funds
Pay Yourself First
Articles by Dan Cunningham
Vermont Financial Planning
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One Day In July in the Media
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Investment Advice for 2025
Square Mailers
Types of Accounts We Manage
Options for Self-Employed Retirement Plans
Manage an ESOP Distribution
What to do When Receiving a Pension
Investment Tax Strategy: Tax Loss Harvesting
Vermont Investment Management
How to Invest an Inheritance
Investment Tax Strategy: Tax Lot Optimization
Vermont Retirement Planning
How to Make the Best 401k Selections
Investing for Retirement: 401k and More
Vermont Wealth Management
How to Rollover a 401k to an IRA
Investing in Bennington, VT
Vermont Financial Advisors
Investing in Albany, NY
Investing in Saratoga Springs, NY
New Hampshire Financial Advisors
Should I Try to Time the Stock Market?
Mutual Funds vs. ETFs
The Cycle of Investor Emotion
Countering Arguments Against Index Funds
Annuities - Why We Don't Sell Them
Taxes on Investments
How Financial Firms Bill
Low Investment Fees
Retirement Financial Planning
Investing in a Bear Market
Investing in Gold
Is Your Investment Advisor Worth One Percent?
Active vs. Passive Investing
Investment Risk vs. Investment Return
Who Supports Index Funds?
Investing Concepts
Does Stock Picking Work?
The Growth and Importance of Female Investors
Behavioral Economics
The Forward P/E Ratio
Donor-Advised Fund vs. Private Foundation
Saving Strategies
Thrift Savings Plans (TSPs)

Vergennes, VT Financial Advisors

206 Main Street, Suite 20

Vergennes, VT 05491

(802) 777-9768

Wayne, PA Financial Advisors

851 Duportail Rd, 2nd Floor

Chesterbrook, PA 19087

(610) 673-0074

Burlington, VT Financial Advisors

77 College Street, Suite 3A

Burlington, VT 05401

(802) 503-8280

Hanover, NH Financial Advisors

26 South Main Street, Suite 4

Hanover, NH 03755

(802) 341-0188

Rutland, VT Financial Advisors

734 E US Route 4, Suite 7

Rutland, VT 05701

(802) 829-6954

Middlebury, VT Financial Advisors

48 Main Street

Middlebury, VT 05753

(802) 829-6954

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