You realize that you may need a financial advisor. You’d like to invest some money from your new business, but aren’t sure how to start. You’d love to find a financial advisor in your community to help you plan for retirement, but you keep putting it off. You need an investment plan for your family and want some guidance. You may switch jobs, and are concerned about how to rollover your 401k plan. You’ve heard that a financial advisor can make a huge difference, but aren’t sure it’s worth it.
And then you keep coming back to the main question: how much will a financial advisor cost?
So, you Google it.
And then you get hit with all sorts of conflicting terms coming at you, like “fee-only financial advisor," “low-fee financial advisor” and “fee-based financial advisor.” It can make your head spin.
We can explain, simply and quickly.
One Day In July is a fee-only financial advisor. As a registered investment advisory firm, we do not sell products for which we are paid commission. Our low fees are transparent and simple. We are independent financial advisors, meaning that we do not work for a large financial firm. As fiduciaries, we operate in your best interest, at all times.
In contrast, fee-based financial advisors may charge both fees and commissions. We do not believe this to be in your best interest.
If you are paying 1% or more – and many people are – we believe you are paying too much.
At One Day In July, we believe in transparency regarding fees. When working with a One Day In July financial advisor, you will know the fees before you sign on as a client. There are no secrets, no surprises. You can see our fees right here.
You may be paying too much in fees for your financial advisor. Over time, this can be a huge loss to your net worth.
Our clients appreciate that we are direct and honest. Check out our growth rate here. Wouldn’t you rather know now?
Get Started Today.