Investing With One Day In July

Investment Management | Retirement Planning

Investment Management | Retirement Planning
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Invest Using Index Funds and ETFs

It is bizarre that many active fund managers and financial professionals are paid so much yet cannot outperform an index fund. The average cost for owning actively managed funds in 2023 was 0.59%. The average cost for owning passively managed funds in 2023 was 0.11% The average fees of index funds selected by One Day In July is 0.06%.1 By reducing fund fees, we minimize fee-taking from your accounts. Whether it's stocks, bonds, or real estate, our financial advisors will invest you in low-cost index funds that have historically performed well versus their peers. We also consider other factors, like the liquidity of the index and the bid/ask spreads. There are thousands of index funds to choose from, and slight differences matter over time.

We generally purchase index funds as ETFs, but sometimes use the mutual fund format. Learn more about the difference here.

See our fee chart here.

Graphic representing the average cost of owning actively managed funds vs the average fees of index funds chosen by One Day In July.
Drawing of 3 gears.

Simplify Your Accounts

We want to make this simple for you. Your accounts may include taxable accounts, retirement accounts, educational savings accounts, active and legacy 401k or 403b accounts, etc. We look to simplify your account setup. If you have an active 401k or 403b plan, we can manage it where it resides at your employer as part of your overall asset mix.

Diversify Your Investments

Modern investment theory echoes what your parents taught you when you were young: "don't put all your eggs in one basket." As many people learned when the markets crashed in 2008, true diversity can be elusive: they had their eggs in different baskets, but the whole hen house burned down. Your financial advisor will work with you to spread your money across asset classes, including investments like United States Treasury Bonds that generally offer diversification in a financial crisis.

3 rectangles filled with smaller rectangles of different colors.
Drawing of balance scales.

Rebalance Periodically

"We all wish we had a little genie who could reliably tell us to 'buy low and sell high.' Systematic rebalancing is the closest analogue we have." ~Burton Malkiel, Princeton University. It's all easy to say, but when there is a financial crisis or a bubble, the human tendency is to do the opposite. Your financial advisor will create a rebalancing plan for you and be disciplined in executing it. At the same time, our methodology helps lower your tax bill.

Minimize Your Taxes

Warren Buffett and the Waltons didn't get wealthy trading in and out of investments frequently. They hold positions for extremely long periods of time, minimizing the tax effect of capital gains. Index funds have a tremendous advantage in this regard, as in some cases, an investor never needs to sell, deferring capital gains forever! Certain indexes should be held in specific account types for tax reasons. Minimizing the headwind of unnecessary capital gains taxes is critical to your long-term success.

2 money bags, one larger, one smaller.

A figure standing on a sailboat.

Stay the Course

Most people have great difficulty staying the course in an investment strategy over a long period of time. It is almost as if humans are wired to make the wrong financial decisions: our brains constantly seek out the next dopamine hit, activity represents progress in our minds, we like to do what everyone else is doing, and we have emotions like fear and greed. None of this is helpful as an investor. (See research here, here, here, and here).2 Once we design a suitable investment plan, our job is to prevent you from going astray. Read why most individual investors underperform academic models.3

Review Your Life

We are not computers, and neither are you. Life is going to throw you curveballs, both good and bad. We need to understand where you are in life and how you got here, your attitude toward risk, your priorities, and long-term goals. Our job is to design a prudent investment plan and financial strategy to help you end up where you want to be in the future, while seeing you through life’s ups and downs, including those of the market. After all, you don't live to make money, you make money to live. In addition to managing your investment accounts, we can also help answer your general financial planning questions. See more on ODIJ’s approach to financial planning here.

A figure in the lens of a magnifying glass.

Drawing of an eye with a chart in the center of it.

Relieve Your Stress

The financial industry is skilled at marketing its services with the promise to reduce your stress. Ironically, the way the industry’s excessive fees can eat into your savings can be enough to give you a heart attack. Our financial advisors aim to protect you from unnecessary exorbitant costs, while moderating your fear in a crisis and your euphoria in a bubble. We know it helps to have someone to turn to when everyone is screaming that the world is ending. Everyone needs guidance, reassurance and a helping hand to stay the course.

1. One Day In July recommended average fund expense ratio represents the weighted average expense ratio for a typical One Day In July client with a 75% Equity / 25% Fixed Income portfolio allocation with no direct international positions as of 1/2024. Average expense ratios for active and passive funds is from Morningstar’s “2023 U.S. Fund Fee Study.”

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How We Are Different
Understanding Your Financial Statement
Investing with Low Cost Index Funds
Pay Yourself First
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Manage an ESOP Distribution
What to do When Receiving a Pension
Investment Tax Strategy: Tax Loss Harvesting
Vermont Investment Management
How to Invest an Inheritance
Investment Tax Strategy: Tax Lot Optimization
Vermont Retirement Planning
How to Make the Best 401k Selections
Investing for Retirement: 401k and More
Vermont Wealth Management
How to Rollover a 401k to an IRA
Investing in Bennington, VT
Vermont Financial Advisors
Investing in Albany, NY
Investing in Saratoga Springs, NY
New Hampshire Financial Advisors
Should I Try to Time the Stock Market?
Mutual Funds vs. ETFs
The Cycle of Investor Emotion
Countering Arguments Against Index Funds
Annuities - Why We Don't Sell Them
Taxes on Investments
How Financial Firms Bill
Low Investment Fees
Retirement Financial Planning
Investing in a Bear Market
Investing in Gold
Is Your Investment Advisor Worth One Percent?
Active vs. Passive Investing
Investment Risk vs. Investment Return
Who Supports Index Funds?
Investing Concepts
Does Stock Picking Work?
The Growth and Importance of Female Investors
Behavioral Economics
The Forward P/E Ratio
Donor-Advised Fund vs. Private Foundation
Saving Strategies
Thrift Savings Plans (TSPs)

Vergennes, VT Financial Advisors

206 Main Street, Suite 20

Vergennes, VT 05491

(802) 777-9768

Wayne, PA Financial Advisors

851 Duportail Rd, 2nd Floor

Chesterbrook, PA 19087

(610) 673-0074

Burlington, VT Financial Advisors

77 College Street, Suite 3A

Burlington, VT 05401

(802) 503-8280

Hanover, NH Financial Advisors

26 South Main Street, Suite 4

Hanover, NH 03755

(802) 341-0188

Rutland, VT Financial Advisors

734 E US Route 4, Suite 7

Rutland, VT 05701

(802) 829-6954

Middlebury, VT Financial Advisors

48 Main Street

Middlebury, VT 05753

(802) 829-6954

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