2024 What is scarce in investing | Oct. 18 Economic charts for your beach reading | Jul. 19 Capital gains taxes, the sequel | Jun. 14 Why both profit centers and bankruptcy are important | May. 17 Beware of optionality loss | Apr. 12 Financial planning ideas as you think about retirement | Mar. 15 Inflation equals the end of money printing | Feb. 16 Zombie Firms | Jan. 19 2023 Draw what you see | Dec. 18 The asymmetry of the bond market | Nov. 17 The divergence of short-term and long-term perspectives | Oct. 13 Is dominance of big tech in the S&P 500 a problem? | Sep. 15 Financial planning: the effect of withdrawals versus savings in down markets | Aug. 18 Profits declined and the market rose. What's going on? | Jul. 21 Match your investments with your time horizon | Jun. 16 Applying Berkshire Hathaway techniques to your own investing life. | May. 12 One Day In July named Best Investment Firm in the State of Vermont / Plus real estate thoughts... | Apr. 18 Silicon Valley Bank, and its applicability to you | Mar. 17 Optionality is good | Feb. 17 One thing to think about for your 2023 financial life. It will matter. | Jan. 20 2022 2022, and winning the loser's game | Dec. 28 2022 Growth and Value + Businesses start to scale back. | Dec. 16 FTX. And an example of why diversification matters | Nov. 18 Some interesting longer-term financial perspective | Oct. 14 Looking for patterns in markets | Sep. 16 Are Wall St Analysts getting it perfectly wrong again? | Aug. 12 Harold Hamm is not happy | Jul. 15 Staying with what has worked long-term in investing | Jun. 17 Markets cause butterflies | May. 13 Things are not predictable | Apr. 15 Real Estate and Inflation | Mar. 25 On Russia... | Mar. 4 An important principle of markets | Feb. 18 Sliding into 2022 | Jan. 28 2021 Asset Performance - Year in Review | Jan. 7 2021 Wrapping up 2021 | Dec. 31 Some inflation history, and inflation optimism | Dec. 17 Behavior, Bubbles, and Inflation | Nov. 30 Financial Technologies: look but don't touch | Nov. 5 Wealth vs Money | Oct. 15 Free Riding and Indexing | Sep. 24 Back to school: breaking down an index fund | Sep. 3 Space Rocketeers and Creation of Industries | Aug. 13 Captialism Mechanics | Jul. 23 Bird, Jordan, Hamilton, Jefferson: an American Fourth | Jul. 2 Interest rates = financial gravity | Jun. 11 School Bus Jenga. Plus Bitcoin. | May. 21 Taxes. Fun. | Apr. 29 An observation worth considering from Vermont monks | Apr. 9 Investing lessons from bitcoin and baseball | Mar. 19 The Segway | Feb. 26 Firm Update/ One thing to ask... | Feb. 12 Fun things with Gamestop | Feb. 5 Good patterns for 2021 | Jan. 15 2020 A final thought for 2020... | Dec. 22 The dazzling stock market of November 2020 | Dec. 4 Annuities, please go away | Nov. 13 The search, sometimes financial, for happiness | Oct. 23 Advice + Products = Conflicts of Interest | Oct. 2 Investing and politics do not mix well | Sep. 11 Dot-com 2.0? | Aug. 28 Experts and dissenting views | Aug. 14 Two thoughts on market timing | Jul. 31 The U.S. Government opens the door for the financial industry in 401k | Jul. 17 Walt Whitman and the United States | Jul. 3 The bright side of collapse: simplification | Jun. 18 Inequality is emerging as a big winner from Coronavirus | Jun. 5 What is going on with the stock market? | May. 22 Explaining the purpose of bankruptcy | May. 8 Hazards | Apr. 24 United Flight 232 | Apr. 9 A roller-coaster week | Mar. 27 A primer on viral spread | Mar. 23 Fear is normal. It's part of why we're here. | Mar. 20 A crisis builds. Mental preparation. | Mar. 17 Coronavirus | Mar. 4 How to take lots of money from average Americans. A primer. | Feb. 21 Even Warren Buffett didn't beat indexing | Feb. 7 Two paths for real estate investments | Jan. 24 2019 in Review | Jan. 10 2019 A final thought for 2019... | Dec. 27 Predictions and antifragility | Dec. 13 The bowling alley of investing | Nov. 29 Politics, investments, and change | Nov. 15 Crashes and swans | Nov. 1 Markets are high, but so is fear. Why? | Oct. 18 Hedge fund training 101: go after indexing to get attention for your fund | Sep. 20 After inflation, the average stock fund investor lost more than 11 last year. This is one reason why. | Sep. 6 Will we have have a recession? The yield curve weighs in. | Aug. 23 How financial firms make money from your cash | Aug. 9 Looking back a year: 3 things to learn from the Treasury bond market | Jul. 26 Dividends as a form of annuity | Jul. 12 Something to think about on July 4th | Jun. 28 Alternatives to tariffs | Jun. 14 On emotions in investing | May. 31 A cacophony of signals | May. 17 The not-surprising decline of the internal combustion engine | May. 3 Decisions made at the edge | Apr. 19 Looking back to the future | Apr. 5 Our obligation as we see it and first quarter notes | Mar. 22 Share buybacks, an introduction | Mar. 6 A way to think about market ups and downs | Feb. 22 Is art a financial investment? | Feb. 8 Europe vs the United States - an investor lesson | Jan. 25 John Bogle, creator of the index fund, has died | Jan. 17 2018 stock market observations | Jan. 11 2018 A final thought for 2018 | Dec. 28 Fear and risk protection | Dec. 14 Peeling back the onion: the financial advice business | Nov. 30 Explaining the Dow Jones | Nov. 16 Keeping a wary eye out for inflation | Nov. 1 Two thoughts on current markets | Oct. 19 Consider the null hypothesis | Oct. 5 What do we know? | Sep. 21 The Chart of Shame | Sep. 7 How nouns can help you | Aug. 24 5 big tech stocks. And 5 of their strategies. | Aug. 10 Saving a lot. Often. And again. | Jul. 27 The chemistry of decision paralysis | Jul. 13 The Soviet Union vs Microsoft | Jun. 29 Peanut butter, jelly, and Wall St | Jun. 15 Laggards and leaders | Jun. 1 Every now and then, friction is good | May. 18 Changing and not changing | May. 4 The (arguably boring) importance of a strong Plan B | Apr. 20 Finding Real Estate Joy | Apr. 6 Fiduciary Rule R.I.P | Mar. 23 Indexing and the Venture Capitalists | Mar. 9 Signal vs Noise | Feb. 23 The long-term, quiet glory of dividends | Feb. 9 Elusive Simplicity | Jan. 26 What makes up investment return. It's these three things | Jan. 12 2017 And one final thought for 2017... | Dec. 29 Bitcoin: is it mania, or merely revolution? | Dec. 15 Mutual fund survivorship bias | Dec. 1 The end depends on the beginning | Nov. 3 What we can learn from Scott Legacy | Oct. 20 Preparing for downturns is like landing airplanes without engines: you have to practice | Oct. 6 Unusual thoughts on saving | Sep. 22 Social networks, dopamine, and their relation to investing | Sep. 17 On the value of focusing | Sep. 8 Firm update and some industry observations | Aug. 25 Theologian teaches capitalists a thing or two | Aug. 11 4 behavioral traits that a great investor must have | Jul. 28 The oil business, and why industry sector bets are a terrible idea | Jul. 14 On clients' minds when they first talk to us... | Jun. 30 Investing is a probabilities game. (I'm 97% certain.) | Jun. 2 The lessons of Puerto Rico, and an example of the fee machine of active funds | May. 19 The hedge funder Warren Buffett trounced wasn't all wrong. Just mostly | May. 5 Taxes float and the lessons of April 15th | Apr. 21 Q1 observations, the drag of taxes, and our bull market's future | Apr. 7 401K and 403B, Q1 Dividends, and the mechanics of why active managers almost never outperform | Mar. 24 Optimism in investing wins, big time. Market timing doesn't. | Mar. 10 Index fund portfolio construction. No yawning, this is important stuff | Feb. 24 Fiduciary rule, and where investors lose big money | Feb. 10 Oh attention-grabbing Dow Jones, you toy with us so... | Jan. 27 Index Fund Fundamentals | Jan. 13 2016 2016 Wrap-Up Observations | Dec. 30 A Heartfelt Thought | Dec. 16 The predictable nature of unpredictability | Dec. 2 We know at least 4 things to be true. Maybe more | Nov. 18

Investor Insights

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What is scarce in investing

October 18, 2024

I apologize for missing a newsletter. I'll make it up to you in the next few months with a bonus, I promise. Sometimes these newsletters are real doozies but every now and then there's a nugget of insight.

In September, One Day In July blasted through a billion dollars under management. We're excited about this. To everyone who helped by trying to spread the low-cost indexing mission to family and friends, thank you. Your words add real credibility for others.

There is a perception that good investing is dependent on consuming more information, and distilling that information. That was true in the 1970s and 1980s, when a small fry named Mike Bloomberg was getting started. Mike had the insight that information was the scarce commodity on Wall Street, and built a computer operating system to deliver that information in a fast and stable fashion (no CTRL+ALT+DELETE for him). Then he named the computer after himself, the "Bloomberg Terminal." He kind of liked that vibe, so he continued naming buildings after himself all over the nation's university campuses.

Today many people extrapolate that insight forward. But information is not the scarce commodity today that makes an investor successful, discipline is. There is lots of information and probably a lack of discipline as trading volumes surge.

Discipline, and lack of emotion, is a bedrock principle for good investment performance. But even better than lack of emotion, as Jason Zweig pointed out this May in the Wall Street Journal, is inverse emotion: "Buffett isn't unemotional; he is inversely emotional. He takes other people's feelings, turns them inside out and makes the resulting emotions his own." (1)

This is harder to do than it seems. Nothing in a normal childhood trains you to be the oddball. And certainly in the investment field, that group, who might perform well, is going to struggle to get clients because they seem different (when in reality, you want different). Most Americans will hand over their life savings to "the nice guy" at a big brand firm, before they will take the perceived risk of hiring someone who displays inverse emotions.

(As a side note, they're all "nice guys." You'd be nice too if you were being paid tens of thousands of dollars per client per year at a big firm to underperform the indexes while you play golf.)(2)

I don't want to give all of our secrets away to our golfing competitors. But to recap, these three ingredients must get structured into an investment strategy, and an investment firm, in a systematic way or you likely will end up with sub-optimal results:

  1. Less news.
  2. More discipline.
  3. Inverse emotions.

Dan Cunningham

1. What Our Brains Know About Stocks - but Won't Tell Us - WSJ, 5/24/24
2. I should note that not every client is paying this amount at those firms.

Economic charts for your beach reading

July 19, 2024

It's a data-driven world, we just live in it. Before you retire to your August vacations, time to look at some charts.

Markets spent the first half of 2024 riding a wave of optimism. But peeling back the onion reveals an interesting trend. Per-share earnings of the S&P 500 are lower today than they were in the fourth quarter of 2021, almost two and a half years ago. And that *does not* include inflation, which was roughly 20% over that time period, meaning that real earnings are down more than 20%. (Remember that inflation tends to give corporate earnings a tailwind.)

If you look at earnings estimates for the S&P 500 though, analysts are optimistic that a steady increase is coming. Markets base their current prices on future results.

The news on inflation is generally good. We graphed the two primary inflation metrics for you below (via CPI-U). The Fed's inflation target remains at 2%, and progress toward that goal continues:

The Consumer Confidence Index remains relatively high. This metric tends to reflect what happened. It serves as a historical look-back. It's not predictive of what is going to happen.

The unemployment rate is steadily rising. The Federal Reserve is watching this closely as unemployment has a history of going quickly from a steady rise to a quick spike. From Fed data:

And credit card delinquencies are rising to 10-year highs across all age groups, which shows spending power on the decline:

Finally, on the stock market side of things, here's an incredible stat. From January of 2023 to July of 2024, the seven big tech firms of the S&P 500 are up over 140%. The other 493 remaining firms, also weighted by market capitalization in the graph below, are up about 25%. Keep in mind that investors cannot predict when mean reversion will begin, but that historically it has been a powerful force.

We have an economic slowdown, which markets wanted. Whether we will have too much of a slowdown is unclear. Analysts peg the overall chances of a U.S. recession at 30%.

Dan Cunningham

1. The Consumer Confidence Index is a trademark of The Conference Board.
2. Additional Chart Sources: Operating earnings: S&P Global / CPI-U: Bureau of Labor Statistics / Unemployment Rate: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Capital gains taxes, the sequel

June 14, 2024

Vanderbilt's former Dean of Students Madison Sarratt once summarized the university's honor code as such:

"Today I am going to give you two examinations, one in trigonometry and one in honesty. I hope you will pass them both, but, if you fail one, let it be trigonometry, for there are many good men in this world today who cannot pass an examination in trigonometry, but there are no good men in the world who cannot pass an examination in honesty."

The financial world should take note.

The main topic today is one that no one ever disagrees about, and one that engenders no emotion: taxes. I promised you an update on capital gains taxes, and after the quote about honesty, I feel compelled to deliver.

You cannot have a productive economic system without labor and capital, and if you are short either, things do not work well.

The reason this relates to capital gains tax rates is that if the rates are high, capital tends to lock into silos. When you are raising money for a startup, for example, an investor who wants to invest in your startup generally has to sell something else to do so. If that investor has a 30% tax to pay, she is going to think twice about doing so. In many cases she won't, and a good idea or business will wither because of the tax-imposed friction. No capital means no jobs.

This shows up in publicly traded mutual funds and ETFs all the time. One of the advantages to being an established fund player when capital gains rates are high is that you worry less about investors leaving your fund, because you know in brokerage accounts those investors will have a tax on the way out. This protects you as the establishment, and puts a headwind on the more efficient disruptor. At One Day In July, we try to figure out how to unwind this predicament for new clients, but there isn't always a good solution.

Frequently, we see similar funds from the same ETF provider, priced at different levels. It's obvious what is going on: they want to preserve the high profit margins in the older fund, knowing many of the investors cannot leave due to capital gains taxes, and yet they want to capture new money inflows and need a more competitive price. So they create a new ETF that is basically the same thing, but at a lower price.

We have inquired to these fund companies about this, and the responses would be amusing if so much money weren't on the line. Ok, ok, trying to get back to the honesty thing... the responses are amusing. We feel a little badly because the employees at those firms can't just say what we know or they'll probably lose their jobs. I mean I would be tempted to respond:

Well Dan this thing is a cash cow at these price points. I mean we have a fund manager, a few associates, a sales team, and a bunch of software on this beauty and it's running $44 billion at 0.15%. It's tracking an index we license, so not much to do! While we're out on the golf course do yourself a fun-one and run that through your calculator." (Hypothetical me did, it's $66 million in revenue.)1

We at least feel like we should put some pressure on them to lower prices.

One way to address this would be to drop the capital gains rate to zero. But this would have other issues in that capital can compound disproportionately. With no taxation on capital, ever, the system will go out of balance.

This is a hard problem. One idea is to lower rates on people who are alive and making decisions, and offset that by raising them via the estate tax on people who are not alive and not making decisions.

- Dan Cunningham

1. Note that 0.15% is still an excellent price to the investor versus most funds. One Day In July averages at about 0.06% fund fees on new portfolios, though it varies by portfolio and circumstance. Click here or here to learn more on our site (sources listed here as well).

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