Partner with One Day In July to implement a sound investment strategy, so you can continue pursuing your mission with confidence.
The financial needs for a nonprofit organization or charitable foundation are often challenging to manage. This is partly driven by the unpredictable nature of funding from donors when it comes to both size and timing. Balancing short-term operating expenses with long-term objectives can be complex and time-consuming, particularly when leadership teams lack investing expertise. Effective investment management gives your organization more power to make a difference, while having a poorly constructed plan for your portfolio can significantly limit your potential for meaningful impact, especially during periods of economic stress and elevated market volatility.
At One Day In July, we believe a healthy nonprofit sector is better for everyone. We are happy to put our fiduciary responsibilities to good use by partnering with nonprofit organizations that help strengthen and improve our communities.
One Day In July advisors work closely with board and committee members to design a comprehensive strategy that aligns with the organization’s goals. Continuing your important work requires careful management of your assets. Let us help you grow and protect these resources by educating the board and finance committee, implementing an effective management plan, and continuously monitoring your accounts.
Together we can develop a plan to help ensure your organization can meet its near and intermediate-term cash flow requirements and generate the income needed to fund your initiatives. Let us help ensure you have the resources necessary to fulfill you mission both now and decades into the future.
Always Fiduciaries
Low Fees
Institutional Investing
Get Started Today.