When we think about investing we often consider the risk of loss, but it is not the only type of risk and can lead to a rather myopic view on investment strategy. We want to understand different risk-types so that we can be more informed when developing our investment goals and objectives.
There is no way to completely eliminate risk. We have it in our everyday lives, all around us, and we take certain rational steps to try and limit it. The same is true with our investments, and one of the best ways to limit exposure to risk is through asset-class diversification. Asset classes can have negative correlation meaning that as one class moves up, another moves in an opposite direction. We can take advantage of this movement by investing across different segments of the market so that as one asset class sees a drop in value, another may increase to act as an offset. This is an important part of long-term wealth creation and retirement planning. Diversification can provide downside protection without substantially limiting returns1.
Clarke, A. W. (2023, May 19). How To Diversify Your Investments And Protect Downside Risk. Retrieved February 19, 2024, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/investor-hub/article/how-to-diversify-your-investments-and-protect-downside-risk/?sh=9d449ce33887