photo of One Day In July Financial Advisor Seth Gillim

Seth Gillim

Financial Advisor | Burlington, Vermont


Good financial advice isn’t about hot stock tips or shorting meme stocks, it’s about how we engage in good investment behaviors which have historically made for successful investing: setting a goal and sticking with it.

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Investing Thoughts

It is never too late. Almost every day I talk to someone who feels like they are behind on saving, or that they missed the last big market rally, or they should have done more to prepare for retirement. I see this in people who have very little saved, but also in people who have managed to accumulate quite a lot.

The uncomfortable truth, of course, is you cannot rewind the clock, and the more we worry about the past, the more we lose sight of what we do have control over: our present-day goals and habits. Good financial advice isn’t about hot stock tips or shorting meme stocks, it’s about how we engage in good investment behaviors which have historically made for successful investing: setting a goal and sticking with it. As Morgan Housel wrote in The Psychology of Money, “there are few financial variables more correlated to performance than commitment to a strategy during its lean years.”

The simple truth is that you win or lose with the fundamentals. At One Day In July, we believe keeping fees low, diversifying your portfolio, and helping you stick to your investment plan is a winning combination. And winning is fun.

Education & Career

I was born and raised in Underhill, Vermont and currently live with my wife and two daughters in Cambridge, not five miles from the house where I grew up. After getting a B.A. in History and Literature from Bard College, I spent many years working in horticulture before getting an MBA from UVM’s Grossman School of Business Sustainable Innovation MBA program. Prior to One Day In July, I worked in a director role for a number of regenerative agriculture start-ups (fun fact: I was the senior project manager on the largest chestnut orchard development in the United States, at over 1800 acres). My professional passion has always been focused on figuring out how we can grow and sustain vibrant rural economies. One of the things I love most about One Day In July is that it’s a Vermont-based business that has grown to over $1 billion in assets under management1 while staying true to its core mission and clients. In fact, I was a client for many years before coming to work at One Day In July.

More About Me

In my spare time I enjoy reading fiction (favorite author: W.G. Sebald), learning new things (I’m currently taking piano lessons and learning French), and enjoying the cultural amenities that make Vermont special, from shows at the Flynn to concerts at the Lane Series. Most winter weekends I can be found downhill skiing at Smuggler’s Notch or cozied up by the fire with my dogs – two very cute (and very dumb) Yorkie/Shih-tzu crosses. I am also a huge soccer fan and supporter of CF Montréal, Manchester United, and Nordic Youth Soccer, where my daughter has played for many years.

1. AUM as of 09.30.2024


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