photo of One Day In July Financial Advisor Chris McKeown

Chris McKeown

Financial Advisor | Burlington, Vermont


At One Day In July, we focus on simplifying the investment process for our clients. I believe that as a client you should know what you are invested in, the role each investment plays in your portfolio, and exactly how much you are paying in fees.

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Investing Thoughts

There are a few investing principles that I believe are central to any long-term investment portfolio: 1. Allocate money into low-cost, diversified index funds. 2. Remain consistent with contributions (don’t try to time the market). 3. Tune out the noise.

Predicting the market is a fool’s errand. If anyone claims they know exactly what is going to happen next in the market, it may be wise to quickly and politely exit the conversation. Nobody has a crystal ball. Many actively managed funds try to beat the market by predicting its next move, and the majority of them actually end up underperforming it over a long period of time.1

At One Day In July, we focus on simplifying the investment process for our clients. I believe that as a client you should know what you are invested in, the role each investment plays in your portfolio, and exactly how much you are paying in fees. This level of transparency should be table stakes in the industry. I’m proud to tell my clients that we practice what we preach; investing our money the same way we advise others to.

Don’t just take my word for it – many well-known and prominent people in our society are ardent believers in index funds. The investment quote I find most profound comes from Benjamin Graham, who many consider to be the father of modern investing: “But investing isn’t about beating others at their game. It’s about controlling yourself at your own game.”

Education & Career

I was born and raised in Ridgefield, Connecticut, and consider myself half New Englander and half New Yorker. (If you look up Ridgefield’s location on a map, you’ll see what I mean.)

After graduating from Penn State University with degrees in Economics and Public Relations, I moved to New York City to launch a career in marketing and advertising. I spent nearly ten years living in the tri state area working my way through the media industry, from creative operations to corporate communications and brand marketing. All the while, I maintained my passion for economics and personal finance. When my wife opted to pursue travel nursing, the opportunity presented itself for me to change careers and start making real use of both my economics degree and the large amount of information I had amassed while tearing through investment books over the years. After leaving New York City we moved around the United States to several locations (Arlington, VA; Swampscott, MA; Sun Valley, ID), eventually settling in Burlington, Vermont. We’re overjoyed to live in an outdoor-friendly community nestled in natural beauty.

P.S. Although I am not originally from Vermont, one of my father’s proudest accomplishments was graduating from St. Michael’s College in 1977, where he served as student body president and has an endowed scholarship established in his memory. I carry this same level of exuberant pride with me to my work at One Day In July as well as in the Burlington community.

More About Me

What most of my friends and family would agree on is that I’m incredibly active outside of the office!

For the entirety of our relationship, my wife and I have been avid travelers. We’ve covered most of the U.S. and nearly 30 other countries around the world. Some of my personal favorite global destinations have been New Zealand, Norway, Thailand, and Iceland.

I’m an endurance athlete that enjoys the training process and discipline required to prepare for races. I’ve completed seven marathons (1x Hartford, 5x NYC, 1x Berlin) and would love to finish all six of the World Majors. However, as a lifelong swimmer and newbie cyclist, I’ve recently pivoted away from marathons toward triathlons. I’m proud to have finished my first triathlon in 2024 – Ironman 70.3 Happy Valley – and my goal is to complete Ironman Lake Placid in 2025!

I also love Major League Baseball and have been a diehard New York Yankees fan since I was a child. If you spot a bearded man walking around Burlington with a Yankees hat on, it’s probably me. But don’t fret – I’ve had many civil, friendly discussions with Bostonians!

When I’m not traveling, training, or watching baseball, during the summer you’ll likely find our family out walking or hiking with our chocolate lab, Bailey. In the winter, you’ll find us downhill skiing on the slopes.



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